# ApolloMutation component
This component allows you to send mutations from your template.
Use props to configure the component and the default slot to interact with it.
:mutation="gql => gql`
mutation DoStuff ($name: String!) {
someWork (name: $name) {
<template v-slot="{ mutate, loading, error }">
<button :disabled="loading" @click="mutate()">Click me</button>
<p v-if="error">An error occurred: {{ error }}</p>
# Props
# mutation
GraphQL query (transformed by graphql-tag
) or a function that receives the gql
tag as argument and should return the transformed query.
:mutation="gql => gql`
mutation DoStuff ($name: String!) {
someWork (name: $name) {
# variables
Object of GraphQL variables.
# optimisticResponse
Optimistic UI is a pattern that you can use to simulate the results of a mutation and update the UI even before receiving a response from the server. Once the response is received from the server, the optimistic result is thrown away and replaced with the actual result.
Optimistic UI provides an easy way to make your UI respond much faster, while ensuring that the data becomes consistent with the actual response when it arrives.
See optimistic UI (opens new window)
__typename: 'Mutation',
someWork: {
__typename: 'SomeWorkPayload',
success: true,
timeSpent: 100,
# update
When you execute a mutation, you modify back-end data. If that data is also present in your Apollo Client cache (opens new window), you might need to update your cache to reflect the result of the mutation.
If a mutation modifies multiple entities, or if it creates or deletes entities, the Apollo Client cache is not automatically updated to reflect the result of the mutation. To resolve this, you can include an update
The purpose of an update function is to modify your cached data to match the modifications that a mutation makes to your back-end data.
See updating cache after mutation (opens new window)
export default {
methods: {
update(cache, { data: { addTodo } }) {
fields: {
todos(existingTodos = []) {
const newTodoRef = cache.writeFragment({
data: addTodo,
fragment: gql`
fragment NewTodo on Todo {
return [...existingTodos, newTodoRef]
# refetchQueries
In some cases, just using dataIdFromObject
is not enough for your application UI to update correctly. For example, if you want to add something to a list of objects without refetching the entire list, or if there are some objects that to which you can't assign an object identifier, Apollo Client cannot update existing queries for you. Read on to learn about the other tools at your disposal.
is the simplest way of updating the cache. With refetchQueries
you can specify one or more queries that you want to run after a mutation is completed in order to refetch the parts of the store that may have been affected by the mutation.
See refetching queries after mutation (opens new window)
import { gql } from '@apollo/client/core'
export default {
computed: {
refetchQueriesAfterMyMutation () {
return [{
query: gql`
query UpdateCache($repoName: String!) {
entry(repoFullName: $repoName) {
comments {
postedBy {
variables: { repoName: 'apollographql/apollo-client' },
# clientId
Id of the Apollo Client used by the query (defined in ApolloProvider clients
# tag
String HTML tag name (default: div
); if undefined
, the component will be renderless (the content won't be wrapped in a tag)
# context
Pass down the Apollo link chain a context object.
See apollo context (opens new window)
answer: 42,
# Slot props
# mutate
mutate(options = null): Promise<FetchResult>
: mutation options (opens new window).
Function to call the mutation. You can override the mutation options (for example: mutate({ variables: { foo: 'bar } })
<template v-slot="{ mutate }">
<button @click="mutate({ variables: { myVar: 42 } })">Click me</button>
# loading
Boolean indicating that the request is in flight.
<template v-slot="{ loading }">
<button :disabled="loading">Click me</button>
# error
Eventual error for the last mutation call.
<template v-slot="{ error }">
<p v-if="error">An error occurred: {{ error }}</p>
# gqlError
First GraphQL error if any.
<template v-slot="{ gqlError }">
<p v-if="gqlError">An error occurred: {{ gqlError.message }}</p>
# Events
# done
Emitted when a mutation result is received.
: FetchResult
@done="result => {}"
# error
Emitted when a error occurs.
: Error object
@error="error => {}"
# loading
When the loading state changes, the loading
event is emitted.
: Boolean
@loading="loading => {}"