# ApolloSubscribeToMore

You can subscribe to more data with the ApolloSubscribeToMore (or apollo-subscribe-to-more) component. You can put as many of those as you want inside a <ApolloQuery> component.


If the update is related to an existing object (for example, changing the value of a field), updateQuery is not required as Apollo client will be able to update the cache automatically.

Here is an example:

  <ApolloQuery :query="...">
      :document="gql => gql`
        subscription messageChanged ($channelId: ID!) {
          messageAdded (channelId: $channelId) {
            message {
      :variables="{ channelId }"

    <!-- ... -->

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      channel: 'general',

  methods: {
    onMessageAdded (previousResult, { subscriptionData }) {
      // The previous result is immutable
      const newResult = {
        messages: [...previousResult.messages],
      // Add the question to the list
      return newResult

See ApolloQuery to learn how to write GraphQL queries in the template.

See API Reference for all the available options.

# Examples of updateQuery

Add a new item to the cache:

methods: {
  onMessageAdded (previousResult, { subscriptionData }) {
    // The previous result is immutable
    const newResult = {
      messages: [...previousResult.messages],
    // Add the question to the list
    return newResult

Remove an item from the cache:

methods: {
  onMessageAdded (previousResult, { subscriptionData }) {
    const removedMessage = subscriptionData.data.messageRemoved
    const index = previousResult.messages.findIndex(
      m => m.id === removedMessage.id

    if (index === -1) return previousResult

    // The previous result is immutable
    const newResult = {
      messages: [...previousResult.messages],
    // Remove the question from the list
    newResult.messages.splice(index, 1)
    return newResult
Last Updated: 11/12/2019, 7:18:18 PM